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에픽 워3

더욱 화려하고 아기자기한 재미로 가득해진 에픽워 세번째 시리즈를 즐겨보세요!
(아래는 제작자가 직접 보내준 설명입니다)
Author: Artlogicgames
Author website: http://www.artlogicgames.com

Game description
The most epic entry of the Epic War series. Defeat your opponents in battle to conquer every spot on the board.
Build and upgrade your deck, form a strategy, protect your castle, and crush all who stand in your way!

a,d or < > arrow to move the camera
q,w,e,r,t,y to use skill
1,2,3,4,5,6 to choose units
0 to select all units
z to retreat all units
x to charge

– You can register you unit by clicking or press space button
– You can regen your units or hero by let them idle
– You can get new cards by leveling up your hero
– You can play newgameplus to get all cards and unlock Cave of Trial which give you strong cards

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